Bien-être ciblé, format voyage

Pastilles de miel de Mānuka UMF™ 15+/ MGO 514+

Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 (6)

Goût: Délicieusement apaisant, avec une note douce et subtilement acidulée. Composées à 100 % de miel de Mānuka pur UMF™ 15+ (MGO 514+).

Utilisation: Que ce soit pour apaiser une gorge irritée ou pour un regain d’énergie savoureux, les pastilles vendues par lot de 8, ont un format idéal pour les glisser dans un sac à main, une sacoche ou un sac de sport et profiter d’une pause aussi apaisante que délicieuse.
Tenir hors de portée des jeunes enfants.

Ingrédients: 100% miel de Mānuka de Nouvelle-Zélande.

CHF 15.90
CHF 15.90
  • Action apaisante pour un bien-être quotidien, format voyage
  • Superaliment, riche en nutriments

Sur chaque paquet apparaît un oiseau endémique différent, dans le cadre de la mission de conservation de Tahi. Avant le lancement de notre projet de restauration, seules 20 espèces d’oiseaux subsistaient à Tahi. Aujourd’hui, elles sont 71, dont 25 espèces rares et menacées. En achetant notre miel de Mānuka, vous contribuez directement à l’initiative de régénération de la biodiversité pour laquelle nous avons été récompensés. Ngā mihi nui... Merci !

Kōtare, le protecteur des plantes

Le kōtare (martin-pêcheur) se nourrit d’insectes et de petits animaux pouvant nuire aux plantes, forêts et jeunes oiseaux.

Énergie, 1700 kJ (406 kcal)
Matières Grasses, 0g
- dont Acides Gras Saturés, 0g
Glucides, 99g
- dont Sucres, 98g
Protéines, 0g
Sel, 0,04g

Multiples récompenses

Lauréat 2023

Best 100 Taste Awards UK

Médaille d’or 2023 et 2020

London International Honey Awards

Prix de restauration de la nature en 2021 et 2020

NZ Sustainable Business Network Awards

1ère marque de miel de luxe au monde en 2020

Luxury Lifestyle Awards

Meilleure entreprise durable 2020

NZ Sustainable Business Network Awards

Authentique, traçable, testé

Pour vous garantir que notre miel est authentique, Tahi a rejoint l’UMF™ Honey Association.

Ce label certifie le miel de Mānuka de Nouvelle-Zélande. Chaque lot est testé dans un laboratoire tiers indépendant et spécialisé. Par ailleurs, les pots de miel sont intégralement traçables, des ruches aux consommateurs. Licence UMFHA 2035.

Zoom sur les indices UMF™/MGO

Le label UMF™ (Unique Manuka Factor) est le système d’assurance qualité indépendant et reconnu à l’international le plus complet, certifiant le miel de Mānuka de Nouvelle-Zélande. Il atteste de la puissance, de l’authenticité, de la pureté, de la durée de conservation et de la fraîcheur du miel de Mānuka. Le méthylglyoxal (MGO) est le principal composé à l’origine des attributs uniques du miel de Mānuka. Plus sa teneur est élevée, plus sa concentration est forte.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Michael R.
Good taste

We've had several different Manuka honeys in our pantry and this is the third lozenge we've used. Most of those have the very distinctive Manuka taste, which is a little medicinal and very strong. This lozenge lacks both, which for us is a good thing. It tastes more like the typical honey we're used to. Sweet, smooth, and mild. I'm not sure what that says about its quality and effectiveness with health benefits, but it works very well as a raspy throat remedy.

P. Alley
Certified & Healthy Lozenges

This pack of 8 manuka honey lozenges has individual pieces sealed like sore throat lozenges. While honey is often used for sore throat relief, Manuka honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties giving these drops a much wider range of potential beneficial effects. This honey from trees in AU and New Zealand has traditionally been used for wound healing, digestive issues, skin conditions, and other health issues. While I was familiar with manuka honey, I had to read up on UMF and MGO. UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factor and certifies quality and purity as well as being a rating scale for the potency of Manuka honey. A UMF rating reflects the concentration of 3 signature compounds found in Manuka honey: MGO (Methylglyoxal), DHA (Dihydroxyacetone), and leptosperin. The lozenges are hard, long-lasting (good for sore throat treatment), and taste similar to wildflower honey.

In summary, these lozenges are certified for purity and composition, have moderate-high levels of certain healthful chemicals, and taste like fine honey. As a final reason for purchase, this company devotes 100% of its profits to ecosystem regeneration and community projects in New Zealand.

Nice flavor - soothing

I'm suffering from a sore throat, so these lozenges arrived at just the right time. I'm not a fan of the artificial flavored lozenges with menthol as they are very strong so I was excited to try these. These are listed as 100% pure manuka honey (which is pollenated in New Zealand from a tea tree). They are soothing on my throat without being cloying or too strong. They 'melted' nicely in my mouth over time.

Sweet, earthy lozenges

These were mildly sweet with the nice earthy flavors that Manuka Honey is known for. For those not aware, this is actually a product from a tree and not from bees. They arrive in a foil seal sheet to keep each lozenge fresh. Since they are 100% natural, take care not to leave them somewhere hot as it is possible they can melt. These are a product of New Zealand. For the current price of $12, I think the value could be a little better since there are only 8 lozenges, even if they are generously sized.

Brittney McClain

These are really great for cold weather and scratchy throats. They are made of pure honey and taste like pure honey. It's very soothing and calming. I trust these lozenges and how they are made. They seem a bit pricey for the pack, but for me and my lifestyle are well worth it. The quality and simplicity of the ingredients are safe and effective.